Just keep talking…
Your communication with customers is key to raising awareness about your products and services. Helping customer evaluate the value of how you solve their problem. And providing them with the right platform to purchase very specific products and services.
The right mix
Finding the right channel or mix of channels is crucial in bringing the ‘what you do’ to market. You may want to reach customers through your own means, partner channels or a mix of both.
Your own methods can be an in-house sales force or a website. This can offer higher profit margins but be costly to put in place and operate. Alternatively, partner channels, which must, extremely importantly, have the same values as you.
Simply put, it could be a delivery operator who takes your product to your customer. Or more technically, how bigger businesses use resellers to capitalise on access to many local and small businesses that would not be on their in-house sales target list. This will allow you to expand your reach and benefit from partner strengths.
This way
To establish the best option for you and your business we would take into account the audience and sales goals you have for using these channels. Compared with your competitor activity and an environment scan reviewing opportunities and risks. Giving you a confident template of goal orientated activity for your business.
Where would we be without confidence, I can tell you – imposter syndrome, comparisonitus (it’s a thing, sadly) and self-doubt.
And we are not going there again. Oh no. We’ve been there and we didn’t like it.
That’s why we love a plan.