The cost of delivering

What does delivering great value actually cost? Without it there is no income, poor customer relationships and little or no business growth. So whatever the cost, by keeping it simple and realistic, it’s worth it!

Delivering value

Of course there will be costs.  To enable you to create and deliver value.  Maintain your customer relationships.  And ensure you have a revenue.  All of these take time, energy and money.

So keeping costs down, manageable and visible are where we focus.  But this shouldn’t be at the expense of the value you wish to give.

Achieving this every day

You need to keep your business running.  So what do you need to achieve this on a daily, monthly, annual basis?  Don’t let any expenses get missed.  Make sure you have an accounting package or spreadsheet that list from the essential (insurance, rent, services) to the occasional (printer ink, a logo design service, brochure or leaflet printing).

Getting this right from the start is key.  Regularly updating your costs will give you the opportunity to make quick changes to your product or service.   Or even bring a new person into the business.  And immediately you will see the cost and benefit implications to your income and outgoing overheads.

I often get a bit of an eye roll when talking about cost accountability.

Making your business great

So I don’t call it accountability anymore, I call it ‘how much will it cost to make your business great’.

It’s a mindset, and if you apply positive phrases to your business model you really will enjoy the process, and want to keep revisiting and updating.

See what we did there?

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